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Alcamo - Tower of the De Ballis Alcamo (TP) Hotel

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Tower of the De Ballis

The square tower of the De Ballis Palace is a great example of the V century architecture with stylistic details of Matteo Carnalivari (from Palermo) present in the moldings which support the crenelation. The Catalan style is used in the window inserted in a round arch.

The tower was built under the order of Giovanni De Ballis, after his wedding, and it was based on the project led by the architect Pietro Oddo from Monreale. On the West corner, there is the family crest and, on the back side of the palace, there is a mullioned window. The family De Ballis arrived  in Alcamo (from Bologna) in the XV century with the first of them, Ballo De Ballis.

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